The fountainless
Đạo rỗng không mà dùng không hết.
The Dao is (like) the emptiness of a vessel; and in our employment of it we must be on our guard against all fulness.
Đạo sâu xa man mác tựa hồ như là tổ tông vạn vật.
How deep and unfathomable it is, as if it were the Honoured Ancestor of all things!
Làm nhụt bén nhọn, tháo gỡ rối rắm, pha trộn ánh sáng, hòa mình cùng bụi rậm.
We should blunt our sharp points, and unravel the complications of things; we should attemper our brightness, and bring ourselves into agreement with the obscurity of others.
Trong trẻo thay, tựa hồ trường tồn.
How pure and still the Dao is, as if it would ever so continue!
Ta không biết Đạo con ai; hình như có trước Thiên đế.
I do not know whose son it is. It might appear to have been before God.