A warning against trusting in strength
Con người khi mới sinh thì mềm mại, mà khi chết thời cứng cỏi.
Man at his birth is supple and weak; at his death, firm and strong. (So it is with) all things.
Vạn vật cỏ cây, khi mới sinh thì mềm mại, đến khi chết thì khô héo.
Trees and plants, in their early growth, are soft and brittle; at their death, dry and withered.
Cho nên cứng cỏi thời chết, mềm mại thời sống.
Thus it is that firmness and strength are the concomitants of death; softness and weakness, the concomitants of life.
Cho nên binh mạnh sẽ không thắng, cây mạnh sẽ bị chặt.
Hence he who (relies on) the strength of his forces does not conquer; and a tree which is strong will fill the out-stretched arms, (and thereby invites the feller.)
Cho nên cứng cỏi thời kém, mềm mại thời hơn.
Therefore the place of what is firm and strong is below, and that of what is soft and weak is above.